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Meeting Older Women - Tips And Secrets

If you're on the market for more mature, older women, then you are in for a nice treat.

Why, you may ask?

Because nowadays, meeting older, more refined women is easier than ever, and it's a great way to expand your horizons and meet a fantastic woman you can have a lot of fun with.

So before I get to some sure-fire tips on how to bridge the "age gap" for all those older ladies, let me ask you something...

Are you interested in dating a woman who's older than you are?

Do you find older women more attractive than their younger counterparts?

Well, my friend, you are not alone!

Older women are much more "mature" and experienced in the ways of love. They've usually had a lot of practice dealing with men, and know their way around the bedroom.

They can also be MUCH easier to deal with than younger women, who can tend to be a little "high maintenance."

If you're a man in your mid-to-late 20s who's mostly been with women in their late teens and early 20s, dating a woman in her 40s can be a real treat for you!

They tend to be more mature and less selfish - sexually, and in just about every other way - than the women you're used to dating. And if you're not looking for anything serious, the chances are higher that they're not either, if they're just past child-bearing age.

In that way, they're kind of like a lot of women in their mid-20s and younger, who don't feel compelled to start a family in the way that single women who've hit 28 or 29 do. By the time a single woman reaches that age range, she's more likely to feel that now's the time to act if she's ever going to have children.

That's because she's not getting any younger, and she feels less attractive than she was when she was in her early 20s. In her mind, it's only going to get harder to find a great man she can settle down with.

(By the way, a lot of women at this stage make a mistake that a lot of men make their entire lives: they get desperate. Some women actually repel men because of their desire to get into a serious relationship sooner than the man is comfortable with. And a lot of women at this stage will settle for a man who they're not compatible with, but who will end up fulfilling their need to have a family.)

So how can you start meeting older women?

You're not so likely to find them at trendy nightclubs, but you can find them just about everywhere else you can find attractive women: while you're out shopping, at coffee houses, local bars, or in bookstores. You can also meet them through school, volunteer activities or through friends.

But bar none, the BEST place to meet older women is online dating sites.

Sites like Match.com and E-Harmony have a bevy of older women just looking for some guy to come along and sweep them off their feet.

Some of them have kids, most of them are divorced, but one thing they all have in common is that they're probably looking to have a good time!

Also, more and more over 30 women are heading towards social networking sites like MySpace as a way to meet new people. Just by doing a quick search for your target age range in your local area on MySpace will yield a number of potential older women you can meet.

But there are problems with dating older women. You may not be as mature as she is, which can be a problem for both of you. And the age difference can become rather awkward should you decide to get married: If there's a 15-year age difference between you, then she'll be 50 when you're 35!

But that's not to say that you shouldn't meet and date an older woman. It can be a great experience for you, if you're aware of the potential issues that can arise in the relationship.

So whether you want to meet older women, younger women, or women your own age, you should take some time to sign up for my free Meet Women crash course.

In this free course, I give you some A-List solid tips, tactics, and techniques on how to meet women without fear of rejection - no matter what age they are. In fact, I even tell you how to make it easy and fun!

You owe it to yourself to take this opportunity. Because if you wait, you may miss out on the woman of your dreams.

You can get your free course here:

Click Here For Free How To Meet Women Course

It only takes a few seconds to sign up, and you get free instant access once you do.

I really wish I had such a resource available to me when I first started! It would have saved me a lot of trouble! So take advantage of it while you can. I don't know how long I'll make it available for free.

Wishing you success,

Joseph Matthews Author of The Art Of Approaching Women

About the Author
Joseph Matthews is the author of the best-selling online publication The Art Of Approaching. It is widely renown as the best How To Meet Women resource for men online.

1 komentar:

Glam said...


I'm a woman in my 40s who prefers casual dating and, yes, online services have been a consistantly successful forum for meeting men. I especially get a lot of responses to my profile from younger men, men 10-15 years younger than me. The thing is...I'm not at all interested in dating them. They're just too young. We don't share the same persepective, we don't have similar points of reference. They are often discovering truthes about themselves and the world that, to a 40 year old, are old hat.

Younger men rarely offer anything in the way of ideas (or sex for that matter) that I haven't already thought or done. So, basically, they don't bring much in the way of anything new to the table.

Also, I've found that younger men interested in older women are looking for someone to show them the sexual ropes. Personally, I'm not interested in being someone's coach. I want a partner who is my sexual equal, not some young buck who's looking for someone to have the kind of experiences that younger women are still a bit...shall we say...squeamish about.

And, by the way, just because I'm not looking for someone to make babies with doesn't mean I don't keep my eye out for someone to share my life with. So statements like "if you're not looking for anything serious, the chances are higher that [older women are] not either, if they're just past child-bearing age" perpetuate unfounded stereotypes rather than offering good, usable information to your readership.

Just a gentle suggestion: You may want to develop your writing to have more fact-based authority rather than personal conjecture. You don't want to create an army of narrow thinking idiots out there, do you? Aren't there enough of them in the dating pool already?

The bottom line, however, is that men who are comfortable dating ANY woman outside the cultural ideal of young, thin, blond, and beautiful is probably doing so already. Telling a bunch of immature apes they can leave the kiddie table and come eat with us grown ups is not necessarily welcomed by those of us with maturity and manners.

I apologise for my negative tone. And I know you really think you're doing your readership a service with this post. But, really, you're not doing us 40+ women any favors.

Perhaps you should consider employing an older woman as your editor?