4 Great Conversation Starters For Meeting Women

Meeting women is one of the biggest challenges to guys in the dating scene. Now matter how many positive qualities you display, you must learn to approach women and engage them in a conversation. If you know great conversation starters, then you'll instantly create an engaging discussion.

So if you're interested in attracting the women you see, then I recommend you use the following great conversation starters.

1- Use normal approach techniques
Let me emphasis ONE thing...
Pick-up lines NEVER work!

Instead of attempting to use a canned pick up line, it's important to use a more natural approach. In fact, it's often better to use a direct approach to start talking to women. This means if you're interested in a woman and want to talk to her, all you have to do is simply introduce yourself. Then you allow the discussion to unfold.

What's funny is many guys are looking for the perfect conversation starter. However the simple truth is a great way to talk to a woman is to just use a natural approach. If you have confidence and avoid the pickup lines used by other guys, then you'll impress her with your straightforward manner.

2- Use the cocky/funny approach
Being humorous with a touch of arrogance is my personal favorite of these great conversation starters. Specifically this approach is often called "cocky/funny".
Made famous by seduction guru David DeAngelo, the cocky/funny technique involves approaching a woman with a slightly arrogant manner while demonstrating a funny personality which gets her to laugh. The purpose behind this technique is to give yourself higher status and make HER work for YOUR attention.

Cocky/funny is a fun way to approach a woman because you come in with high energy and instantly provide her with excitement. Then all you have to do is let the conversation evolve into sexual banter.

3- Use a complimentary comment
Great conversation starters can often be initiated by simply complimenting a woman. Unlike corny pickup lines, a nice comment is well-thought out and shows tact.
Just remember one thing. When you compliment a woman, ALWAYS focus on something instead of her looks. The goal is to start a conversation by giving a genuine compliment on something she can control like the way she dresses or her personality. By doing this, you're demonstrating that you pay attention and you like her UNIQUE personality.

4- Use a situational conversation starter
The final way to initiate a conversation is to use a 'situational opener'. This technique involves using specific incident as a reason to start talking to a woman. It involves seeing something interesting around you and then casually using it to parlay into a conversation with a woman.
For instance, say you witness a really drunk guy making a jerk of himself. You can use this incident to start talking to girls who are near this guy.

All four of these great conversation starters provide a wonderful way to start talking to a woman. Since each provides a natural to approach a girl, you won't trigger her defense mechanisms like you would with a canned pick up line. Now all you have to is get out there and use them on women you're interested in.

About the Author
Scott Patterson can help YOU meet, attract and seduce ANY woman! In his free resource, Attraction Mastery, Scott provides over 50 TIPS you can use to get instant results with girls. To claim your free copy of this incredible resource, visit his site right now: http://www.ChickMagnet101.com

4 Lessons on the Rules of Attraction for Single Men

Learn how to attract members of the opposite sex
Women know within a few minutes of interacting with you whether or not you're a sexually confident man. It's all about your voice tone and body language. If you're not sure whether you project this "sexy beast" persona, chances are you don't. So what's a guy to do?
These four basis skills will instantly make you irresistible:

Lesson One:

Learn how to hold eye contact for longer than she does. Don't gawk, cold stare, or use daring eye glances. Just gently hold her gaze until she looks away. Avoiding eye contact reeks of emotional insecurity. The most effective flirting tool you have are your eyes. If you catch the eye of someone attractive and they look back, don't become self-conscious and turn away. Women like men who are not afraid and know what they want. Do the glance--linger--look away--then reconnect routine. After a few times, she'll know you are interested and will hopefully return the eye contact. When you do catch her eye on the reconnect, stay there until she looks away. Hold her gaze (without giving her an America's Most Wanted stare). Hold her gaze long enough to say, "I see you and I like you." Then throw her a confident smile.

Lesson Two:

Women look first at your attire and second at how you hold yourself. Keep your body posture in a stance that says, "I'm the dominant male and I own this place." Suck in your stomach, hold your head up, chest out, shoulders back....and generally hold yourself like you're the most powerful person you've ever known. It may seem a little awkward at first, but it'll work. Carry yourself like a manly man and women will have a positive subconscious, and then conscious, reaction to you. A woman will see your confidence as you walk across a room when you walk strong and proud of who you are. She will be drawn to your confidence.

Lesson Three:

Slow down. Confident people are not in a hurry. Fidgeting or nervous behavior shows insecurity and self-consciousness. Use slow, calculated gestures and movements. Walk slowly and with purpose, turn your head slowly, gesture slowly, even blink slowly. Emulate John Wayne or James Bond. This transmits a feeling of "I'm comfortable in my own skin," and makes a huge impact on women. Don't overdo it and become the slowmo guy, but always project an attitude that you know what you are doing and where you are going. The next time you are out and see an attractive women you are interested in and what to go up and talk to. Try this trick. Instead of thinking what will they think of me? turn it around to will I like them? Changing your thinking will adjust your body language and your conversation from timid to friendly and self-assured.

Lesson Four:

Lower your voice. A wobbly or high-pitched voice is a big turn-off for women since it relays low self-esteem. Moderately deep conveys confidence. Learn how to speak from the chest and stomach and not from the throat. Speak slower, articulate your words, pause more...it creates anticipation, which is sexy. If you talk too fast and too much when you get nervous, take a deep breath, let it out slowly, and relax. Stand up and hum a little before you leave a voicemail message--it will lower your pitch.

For more information about It's Just Lunch or to purchase the It's Just Lunch Guide to Dating in Sacremento.
About the Author
Alana is a VP of Its just Lunch based in San Diego.

How To Attract Women

One of the secrets of online dating is knowing how to attract women. For most men, however, this is a general secret of life that may never actually be discovered because of the complexities of the human relationship. Men are usually, at least in my case, the last to find out how something works in terms of a woman. This creates complications all over the place but mostly in the area of dating. Online dating, in particular, is greatly affected by this because we are not sure what we are doing when we have nothing to fall back on. Men, sometimes, need something to lose.

This notion of risk may be confusing at first, but throughout history the best performances of men have taken place because there was something at stake. In the world of online dating, however, there is virtually nothing to lose because you are not putting much of yourself out there. You start with a username and a profile, in most cases, and can present more of yourself as your relationship carries on. It is hard, therefore, to drum up much motivation to work harder in online dating because more of the control is up in the air.

Learning The Basics
Learning the basics in terms of online dating is, remarkably, the easy part. You can learn all you need to know by visiting one of many web sites out there designated just for that purpose. Learning how to attract women to your online profile is, of course, going to be more complicated. Once you have set up what you feel to be your best side on your internet profile, you need to go about dropping social hints that you are the one that they should be looking at. Doing this in cyberspace is, effectively, the same as doing this anywhere else.

You need confidence in your profile and you need to make sure that you sound like you know what you are doing. You will not be able to convey this right away because most of the women out there will be browsing your profile through online dating sites and not actually speaking to you unless something grabs them. Unless you go the chatroom route, which is almost always dangerous, you will need a good profile to make the difference in online dating and in attracting women to view it. The best way to go about this is, simply, to be you.

For more online dating tips, visit Love-On-The-Web.com

How to Be Irresistible to Women

You don’t need a guitar, rock-hard abs, or even a full head of hair to make a great impression on a woman. Follow these tips, and she’ll want to hear from you again real soon:

1. Go out with another woman. If you’re going out to a club or a bar, take a female friend or your sister with you. Women are often more amenable to talking to men who are with other women. It gives them the feeling that you actually like women, and that’s attractive. If your female friend is outgoing, see if she’ll make small talk with somebody you’d like to meet. She can say something along the lines of, “I love your necklace!” and that should do it. After a little back-and-forth, your friend can say, “Oh, how rude of me. This is my friend Andy,” and you’re in business.

2. Look women in the eye. It seems elementary, but you’d be surprised at how many guys either undress a woman with their eyes or avoid eye contact altogether. Women love it when you look them in the eye.

3. Don’t try to “buy” her. If you buy her a drink, she is obligated to say thank you and that’s it. If she accepts the drink, the polite thing for her to do would be to spend a little time talking to you, but that’s all. On the other hand, if a woman takes the drink and walks away, let her go. You wouldn’t want spend time with her, anyway. Trust me.

4. Find out her interests. Get her talking about what she’s crazy about, whether it’s David Bowie or the New York Mets. If you don’t get it, you can say something like, “You know, I’m not too familiar with Bowie. What CD would you recommend?” Or, “I’m more into football than baseball. What is it about baseball that you like?” Ask a woman her opinion, and you’ll have her eating out of your hand (we have more in common with guys than you think).

5. Listen more, talk less. Hey, I’m not suggesting that you let her do all the talking, but some guys meet a woman and then never shut up. Don’t try to impress her! Don’t brag about your GPA at Harvard, the Jag in your driveway, or the fact that you’re CEO of a tuna fish conglomerate. You’ll get precisely the kind of woman you don’t want, the one who’s only into you for your achievements and possessions, rather than for who you really are. Instead, ask questions and listen for the answers. Give your opinions. Get to know the woman. Let her get to know you.

6. Be optimistic. In other words, this is no time to discuss how oil prices are going through the roof, what a witch your ex-girlfriend was, or that your parents never gave you enough attention. If you run out of things to talk about, ask her if she’s seen the latest hit at the box office.

7. Be chaste. Do not try to go to bed with a woman right away. Sure, there’s a chance that if you go for it, she will, but if you’re hoping for a lasting relationship, you set up all sorts of weirdness if you “do it” too soon. Crazy as it sounds, if she sleeps with you, she may not respect you in the morning (you didn’t know that, did you?). She’ll figure that you get into bed with every woman you meet, which pretty much rules you out as boyfriend material. (Or she may be the type who thinks you owe her because she slept with you, which makes her really bad girlfriend material.) Save yourself undue angst and get to know a person before you go to bed with her.

8. Make a great exit. If you want to see her again, ask for her number (preface this with something casual, “Maybe we can get together some time.”). Then touch her shoulder (a little restraint is sexier here; don’t try to kiss her) and tell her you’ll be in touch. Then leave. If your friends aren’t ready to go yet, tell her you have to hang out with them. Walk away. The key here is to keep her wanting more.

9. Call her. If you said you were going to call, you can avoid looking desperate by waiting two days, but no longer. A plea on behalf of the female sex: If you’re not interested in a woman, do not—I repeat—do not say you’ll call. Say, “Nice meeting you,” and be on your way. Besides, collecting numbers to feed your ego is kind of sad.

10. Treat women as you’d have them treat you. The media have brainwashed us to believe that men come and women come different planets, but we’re all human. Some of the biggest losers in love are women who complain that all men are the same, they all want one thing, and so on. But it’s equally sad when a guy assumes all women are like his mother or his psychopathic ex-girlfriend. You’ll enjoy astonishing success with women if you understand two simple facts: We’re people. We’re more like you than you think.

Terry Hernon MacDonald is the host of Romance Talk with Terry on HealthyLife.net Internet radio and the author of the ebook, How to Attract and Marry the Man of Your Dreams. Visit her website http://www.marrysmart.com . Listen to the show anytime at http://www.healthylife.net

Dating Tips For Men

Dating in todays society isn’t easy. Meeting prospective partners is difficult and almost everyone can use some reliable dating tips. The problem with dating tips is that they usually come from family and friends. These are people who already know and love you. They know how smart, funny and attractive you are. But they aren’t going to be dating you.

The most helpful dating tips can come from people who don’t necessarily know you. There are many online dating tip websites. Some are good and offer good advice and some are not so good. Do you really need to be told to just “be yourself” one more time? That is one dating tip everyone has heard way too often.

I believe that men can have it a little tougher these days too. Although women certainly can have a hard time finding that special someone, it is usually up to the man to make the first move. That can be intimidating. Approaching someone whom you don’t know can be a nerve racking experience. And when you add the lack of dating tips for men that are available and the fact that most of us are pretty clueless when it comes to attracting the opposite sex, it can seem hopeless.

Most men don't sit around swapping dating tips either. I'm not sure how many men discuss datin tips at all. It doesn't seem like a topic high on their list.

Dating tips for men are hard to come by. Most men would like to know how to attract a woman. Even if they aren’t the most handsome man on the block. Most women will tell you that looks are definitely not the most important thing, but most men don’t believe that. When you put all the misconceptions together, its not wonder that online dating has become so popular.

Womens emotions trigger feeling of attraction. This is why looks are not the most important thing. I f men could learn how to trigger all the emotional attraction switches in womens minds, they would see that looks are not everything. The best dating tip I can give to men would be to target a womans emotions first. How do you do that? Good question. Finding the answer to that question would almost virtually guarantee a man success with women.

If men learned how to communicate with women the way they communicate, they could be very successful with women. Dating tips are one way of working on that. Copying what is successful is usually the best way to go.

Jennie Crawford is the stay at home mom of two small children. For more information go to www.jenniecrawford.com/howtoattractwomen

Senior-Dating online with success is not hard

Merely registering as a member of an online dating site does not guarantee that you get the perfect match. As a senior trying out his or her chances in online dating services, you should clearly state what you are looking for in a date.

Dating online with success is not hard if you remember some tips to guide you through the process.

What about your online profile? Does it describe your best attributes? Or does your profile look like a warning signal for others to stay away?

Follow these tips in making a good profile, and your chance of getting a date will increase.

1. State what your objectives are
In your profile, put something in the headline that will shout to everyone what you really are and why people need to check you out. Be informative and catchy. Tell something about you and your objectives in a very appealing and tone. An ordinary profile might not carry it, but when finding a love mate, you can use a metaphor as a "sales" tool. For example, you might want to use as headline "Mature gentleman ripe for picking" rather than "Decrepit old man wanting to get hitched."

2. Accentuate the positive and specific, not the negative and general
You do want a mate, that's why you applied as a member of an online site, isn't it? So, like your job resume, you should focus on your positive side. Tell your good points that you could bring into a relationship. Shout to the world why they should bother reading your profile and hopefully, make communication with you. For example, instead of merely describing yourself as just "fun-loving," why not tell something that would really show your fun-loving side? You could say instead that you "love to watch movies every weekend and going to a nice jazz bar in town." Doesn't that sound exciting?

3. Make the letter personalized
When writing someone you think is a potential match, avoid letter-like introductions. Instead be casual and personal in your note. You can catch someone's eye by responding directly to something he or she said in his or her profile.

Success in getting an online match is easy with these tips.
more information please visit http://www.qsexpert.com discover dating online for senior citizens e-book for free

About the Author
Zhafran http://www.qsexpert.com Quit Single Expert

Dating Tips: Letting a girl know you're for real

Or better yet, how do you let her know that the vibe you're putting off in the beginning is the real you?

How does she know that after she sleeps with you all of what you said will be backed up?
All three of these questions have the same answer.


When most guys think they don't have enough value, 90% of the time, it's credibility they lack. In fact, most of everything used to create value these days only serves to make a nasty woman-repelling player vibe.

(and anyone who's anyone KNOWS I don't even teach value. Not for a damn second!)
"Player vibe" is not actually a bad vibe, but a mistake in building and maintaining credibility.
Being able to create credibility is one of the key components to sleeping with a girl quickly.
The other component is sexual tension.

And as a good student of pick-up, you know that some women need sexual tension to sleep with you and the other half need credibility first. (You do know that, right?)

So let's get down to it:
There are three levels of credibility.

1. Safety
2. Commonality
3. Direction

Safety: The most basic and fundamental level of credibility, you need to demonstrate SAFETY before a woman will be alone with you and sleep with you.

Commonality: You need to demonstrate commonality in order for a woman to continue sleeping with you, or have a relationship with you.

Direction: You need to show direction in order to get a woman to leave her current boyfriend or change her existing life plans to be with you.

You have to realize that every person you meet is socially programmed in a different way. Even you have social programming. We all do.

It's not necessarily a bad thing. On the contrary, it's very useful.
Realize that although we understand a lot of a woman's behaviors come from her social programming, we can't expect her to realize that.

While men have evolved an instinct to try to sleep with as many women as possible, women have evolved an instinct to choose guys who demonstrate a high chance of sticking around to raise children.

And this instinct is reinforced by social programming.
Her programming is her reality. Her programming is literally her world.
And credibility is about showing you understand her world.

Think about if you were in your bedroom. Comfortably warm sitting in a chair.
And then a guy came in. And he said he was cold. And wanted to turn up the heat. Then he told you he liked the couch you were sitting in. And asked if he could urinate in the corner.
You would feel pretty uncomfortable with him. You might even think he's crazy.
He's showing you that he's not seeing the same reality as you. He's "in his own world".
I bet you wouldn't trust a guy like that.

Because he has shown you that he doesn't understand your world, and doesn't respect your world - you probably wouldn't connect with him, or feel like giving him compliance.
This is how women feel when you don't demonstrate credibility.

If she thinks that it's a bad thing for people to kiss and tell (and most women do) -> You should show her you ALSO believe it's bad for people to kiss and tell.
The fact that you have the same perceptions about the world as her will build your credibility immensely.

You can think of the three levels in this way:
Safety - It's safe to have you in her world. Commonality - You see the same things in her world. (Similar perceptions, values, and goals) Direction - You have the ability to rearrange and alter her world.

These are best demonstrated in order.
And you can get really good at this. At first, guys are usualy good at meeting a certain kind of woman.

It's because he naturally understands a certain type of worldview.
But as you get good, you'll start to be able to match ANY woman's worldview.
The best way of doing this is by anticipating her thoughts and verbalizing her feelings or views about the world, as if they are your own.

At first you will just be remembering things she's said in the past, and then repeating it after she's forgotten she's said anything.

Then you will get good at pacing her reality and leading. Eventually it gets to the point where you can intuitively understand her reality. Then she will trust you to change it for her. You enter her world, and then start teaching her new things about HER world.
That's when you know you get this thing.

When someone comes along who understands a woman's reality so well, she doesn't just think he's perceptive and skilled, she just feels a connection.
She thinks "He's just like me!"

This is really the easiest thing in the world. Yet so many people mess it up.
It's a major piece and you'll watch your game improve dramatically once you get this.

About the Author
Vin DiCarlo is an international dating coach, and the founder and CEO of DiCarlo DiClassified. He has trained thousands of clients spanning four continents and continues to tour the globe improving the lives of men of all ages. He currently resides in Boston, MA and enjoys jazz, mixed martial arts and travel.

Definition of Adult Dating Sites

The 90's saw the creation and expansion of the online dating industry. The industry itself expanded due to increasing niche demand for the sites we see today, that are based around such niches as Christian dating, Jewish Dating, Gay dating, and alike. The newest and most lucrative niche within the dating industry today is the adult industry.

The internet is literally overflowing with adult dating sites, most of which have millions of members all looking for an adult experience. The size of these sites indicates a very high demand, but what is adult dating, and why has it been so successful in such a short space of time?

Intimate encounters are searched for daily. People searching for these encounters primarily search for them on adult dating sites. When I say intimate encounters, I mean the physical type, as apposed to the emotional. Adult dating sites are a shortcut to the physical and sometimes emotional side of the courting cycle.

Is this wrong morally? No, why would it be? The need for intimacy is laced into our very being, and sometimes modern day living prevents us from fulfilling these needs.
The search for intimacy is enough to justify a membership at a dating site.

With decreasing amounts of free time, the average person often has no motivation to work on a dedicated, through and through relationship. Adult dating sites are convenient in this sense, as they offer ways for busy people to experience the intimacy and closeness of another, all within the time it would take to edit a profile, and upload a few pictures - Cost and time effective.
Sordid? No, I don't think so. Remember that the people already enrolled on adult dating sites are looking for the same things as everybody else on there. It's also important to remember that most of these adult sites are more emotionally than physically orientated.

In order to get the most from adult dating, you should consider doing a little research before investing. The best way to pick a dating site is to look for site reviews. Sites with many reviews are usually the best. Read what people say, take note of their experiences there and take heed of what they have to say.

After finding a suitable site, take a look around it yourself. Does it look professional? Do you like what it has to offer? Take note of how many members it has, some have millions, others thousands - either way, the more members the better off you'll be visiting that site.

About the Author
Resource: Reviewing Adult Dating Stuff

Dating Advice For Men - Essential Guide

When it comes to dating, it's not just the women who worry about, will he like me, will we get on, what shall I wear etc etc. In actual fact, most man go through all the above fears just like women do. It would be nice if we could read just one book or article and know everything we need to know about women, relationships and dating. Unfortunately it doesn't work that way.

The best dating advice often seems to come from people who have been in the same situations as ourselves and have gained some comforting wisdom that we can relate to. When dating, the thing we should always remember is that advice is simply what someone else thinks might assist you. The person giving this advice may not necessarily have any idea of your true state of mind of your particular circumstances, therefore it is always important to take note of what advice you have been given, others opinions are valuable, as it may help you to form your own opinion on what's right for you.

Below are some helpful hints and advice, some may suit you and others may not.Remember these hints are not set in stone, you may want to adjust some to suit your own personal goals.

1. The worst thing you could do when going on a date is to turn up unshaven and looking dirty. You would be appalled if she turned up in the same state. It may be fickle but unfortunately it's true appearances count for a lot.

2. Whatever you do, don't turn up late, you will definitely give her the wrong impression. Not only will she think you've stood her up, she will also think you're unreliable.

3. Be a gentleman, open the door for her, pull out her chair in the restaurant. Women like to feel special, treat her like a lady and you'll do well.

4. Compliment her. A woman loves to be complimented, even if she doesn't show it. Don't go overboard though, but let her feel you are attracted to her.

5. Ask questions and genuinely listen to her answers. After all you are going on a date to get to know her. There is nothing more that a woman likes than when someone is interested in what they have to say.

6. Prepare yourself for the date. Think about what it is you would like to find out about her. Also think about what she might ask you. The last thing you want is for the conversation to dry up half way into the date.

7. It is advisable that you dont bring up adult matters or sex toys for example on at least the first 3 dates. In the long run this can only do you good and she will certainly be more interested in you if you hold back.

8. When it comes to paying the bill, offer to pay. If she insists on paying, then offer to go halves and split the bill.

9. What about the goodnight kiss? Some women prefer not to kiss after a first date, while others will be disappointed if you don't. Judge the situation for yourself, her body language will give you a good idea of what's right.

10. When leaving, only ask for her number or tell her you will call if you really mean it. In the long run this will be best for both of you. If you do like her and are interested, then don't be afraid to let her know.

About the Author
Chris Simms is a popular writer. His main areas of interest are relationships, massage, aromatherapy, social matters, relate and human psychology. Bondara Shop

Four Long Distance Dating Tips To Keep Your Romance Hot

Isn't it just the luck? You've found the person you know is right for you, but he or she lives half a continent away. Or maybe your boyfriend or girlfriend has to transfer out of state for his or her job. Either way, you've found yourself in a long distance dating relationship. These long distance dating tips will help keep your romance alive without depleting your pocket book.

Long Distance Dating Tip #1: Make Sure You Both Want a Long Distance Relationship
When couples move apart from each other, they may feel obligated to try to keep the romance going. Talking with each other about long distance issues can help you both decide whether or not you want a long distance partner. Depending on the conversation, you may decide to amicably separate, to continue dating each other while also dating other people, or to maintain an exclusive relationship. As long as everybody's on the same page, each of these solutions is perfectly valid.

Long Distance Dating Tip #2: Join a Calling Plan or Unlimited Long Distance Plan
A long distance romance means you're going to be talking to each other by phone--a lot. So look around for the cheapest phone plan. Keep in mind any time changes that might affect peak hours. Some people--often men--are not comfortable chatting on the phone for hours at a time. It's important to realize that this is not a sign of disinterest on your partner's part.

Long Distance Dating Tip #3: Use the Internet
If you're not good at communicating over the phone (and some people truly aren't), consider sending emails and instant messages. When you email, remember that your partner can't see your face or hear your voice. You may mean a comment to be taken humorously, but your partner may read it as criticism or disapproval. The little emotions (e.g., smile and frown faces) can help this problem some, but it's always best to proofread for unintentional meanings.

Long Distance Dating Tip #4: Look for Low Cost Travel Options
There are some things you simply can't do long distance, so naturally you'll want to visit each other. It's usually best to make sure each of you travel about 50% of the time so nobody ends up feeling resentful or overstressed. Keep an eye out for deals on the travel websites. Many travel websites will email you if fares to a certain location drop below a specified rate.

About the Author
Ann Marier writes informative articles on general health issues providing helpful tips and advice. Her latest articles about dating include a dating guide for online dating and the possible dangers.

5 Types of Women You Should Never Ever Date

I have often heard the dating scene being compared to a jungle. Similar to a hunting environment, it's filled with both predators and prey. Just like in a jungle, you can be snared by a woman. Now this isn't a bad thing unless you encounter a woman who can make your life a living hell.

What do I mean?
Well it's simple. When it comes to dating, there are certain types of women who can cause a variety of problems for guys. If you're able to avoid them, then your dating life will become smooth sailing.

So when you're out in the "dating jungle", make sure you avoid these 5 types of women:

1- The Drama Queen

While all women can get emotional, there are some who take it to an extreme level. If you date 'The Drama Queen', your life will be filled with conflict, arguments and constant appeasement.
You can detect a drama queen early on by her strong emotional reaction to the slightest provocation. So when you're dating a girl, look for signs that she "freaks out" at the smallest incident. If you see evidence of a Drama Queen then run (fast) for the door.

2- The Bridezilla

Marriage is a goal for most successful relationships. But there is one type of woman who is thinking about marrying you from the moment you meet. 'The Bridezilla' is a woman who has her entire life (including yours) planned out. In fact, before you even think about taking her home for the first time, she's had your entire wedding party picked out.
The Bridezilla can be detected by her longing stares at a girl's engagement ring or when she drops hints about establishing a 'permanent commitment'. So if you think you're having a fun fling and she wants a husband, then you should move on.

3- The Debbie Downer

'The Debbie Downer' is the type of women who is depressed no matter what happens around her. Life with this girl will be a constant battle to make her happy. The problem is nothing you do can make the Debbie Downer have fun or relax. In fact, her negative attitude can actually affect your life.
You can tell a woman is a Debbie Downer when she doesn't show excitement about anything you want to do. If she would rather spend every night sitting on the couch and watching reruns, then you might be around this type of woman. If you stick with her, she'll snare you into her depressing life.

4- The Gold Digger

Kanye West was REALLY accurate about how there are many women who only date for money. 'The Gold Digger' will take your money, use you and will leave you broke with your credit card maxed out.
Fortunately, The Gold Digger is easy to spot. During the first few minutes of meeting her, she'll be overly concerned about the car you drive and what you do for living. Avoid this woman because she won't be interested in your personality or what you're really about.

5- The Succubus

According to legend, 'The Succubus' is a demon who takes the form of a beautiful human female to seduce men for sexual intercourse. In the dating scene, the Succubus is a woman who can quickly destroy your life. Simply put, this type of women is pure evil. She will use you, cheat with your friends and will leave you in a quivering mass.
The major problem is the Succubus is hard to detect. Your best bet is to look for patterns of unusual cruelty. If she seems to revel in the pain of guys or laughs at the misfortunes of others, then you might be dealing with The Succubus. Unless you carry around holy water and a cross, then you'll have little protection from the likes of her. Your best bet is to get away as soon as you can.

If you want a happy dating life, then you should avoid certain type of women. By being able to quickly identify the 5 types of women that I described in this article, you'll discover that it's easy to find quality women who are fun and exciting.

About the Author
Scott Patterson can help YOU meet, attract and seduce ANY woman! In his free resource, Attraction Mastery, Scott provides over 50 TIPS you can use to get instant results with girls. To claim your free copy of this incredible resource, visit his site right now: http://www.ChickMagnet101.com

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Meeting Older Women - Tips And Secrets

If you're on the market for more mature, older women, then you are in for a nice treat.

Why, you may ask?

Because nowadays, meeting older, more refined women is easier than ever, and it's a great way to expand your horizons and meet a fantastic woman you can have a lot of fun with.

So before I get to some sure-fire tips on how to bridge the "age gap" for all those older ladies, let me ask you something...

Are you interested in dating a woman who's older than you are?

Do you find older women more attractive than their younger counterparts?

Well, my friend, you are not alone!

Older women are much more "mature" and experienced in the ways of love. They've usually had a lot of practice dealing with men, and know their way around the bedroom.

They can also be MUCH easier to deal with than younger women, who can tend to be a little "high maintenance."

If you're a man in your mid-to-late 20s who's mostly been with women in their late teens and early 20s, dating a woman in her 40s can be a real treat for you!

They tend to be more mature and less selfish - sexually, and in just about every other way - than the women you're used to dating. And if you're not looking for anything serious, the chances are higher that they're not either, if they're just past child-bearing age.

In that way, they're kind of like a lot of women in their mid-20s and younger, who don't feel compelled to start a family in the way that single women who've hit 28 or 29 do. By the time a single woman reaches that age range, she's more likely to feel that now's the time to act if she's ever going to have children.

That's because she's not getting any younger, and she feels less attractive than she was when she was in her early 20s. In her mind, it's only going to get harder to find a great man she can settle down with.

(By the way, a lot of women at this stage make a mistake that a lot of men make their entire lives: they get desperate. Some women actually repel men because of their desire to get into a serious relationship sooner than the man is comfortable with. And a lot of women at this stage will settle for a man who they're not compatible with, but who will end up fulfilling their need to have a family.)

So how can you start meeting older women?

You're not so likely to find them at trendy nightclubs, but you can find them just about everywhere else you can find attractive women: while you're out shopping, at coffee houses, local bars, or in bookstores. You can also meet them through school, volunteer activities or through friends.

But bar none, the BEST place to meet older women is online dating sites.

Sites like Match.com and E-Harmony have a bevy of older women just looking for some guy to come along and sweep them off their feet.

Some of them have kids, most of them are divorced, but one thing they all have in common is that they're probably looking to have a good time!

Also, more and more over 30 women are heading towards social networking sites like MySpace as a way to meet new people. Just by doing a quick search for your target age range in your local area on MySpace will yield a number of potential older women you can meet.

But there are problems with dating older women. You may not be as mature as she is, which can be a problem for both of you. And the age difference can become rather awkward should you decide to get married: If there's a 15-year age difference between you, then she'll be 50 when you're 35!

But that's not to say that you shouldn't meet and date an older woman. It can be a great experience for you, if you're aware of the potential issues that can arise in the relationship.

So whether you want to meet older women, younger women, or women your own age, you should take some time to sign up for my free Meet Women crash course.

In this free course, I give you some A-List solid tips, tactics, and techniques on how to meet women without fear of rejection - no matter what age they are. In fact, I even tell you how to make it easy and fun!

You owe it to yourself to take this opportunity. Because if you wait, you may miss out on the woman of your dreams.

You can get your free course here:

Click Here For Free How To Meet Women Course

It only takes a few seconds to sign up, and you get free instant access once you do.

I really wish I had such a resource available to me when I first started! It would have saved me a lot of trouble! So take advantage of it while you can. I don't know how long I'll make it available for free.

Wishing you success,

Joseph Matthews Author of The Art Of Approaching Women

About the Author
Joseph Matthews is the author of the best-selling online publication The Art Of Approaching. It is widely renown as the best How To Meet Women resource for men online.