Approaching Women – Starts With A Smile :)

When approaching women, it all starts with eye contact and your smile. Women love to be smiled at and they often respond quite well to men who smile at them. Even if you are not their type, you can generate a good feeling in them by giving them a smile. You want your smile to look genuine and you want it to look unique. I asked women: How do you feel when men smile at you? Never mind if you are attracted to them or not, If a man you don't know smiles at you, how does it make you feel? Their responses were as follows:

I feel good, and I smile back too!

I just figure he is friendly.

Depends on the smile. If he smiles at my eyes then I am going to smile back, perhaps say "hi". But if he looks me up and down and looks too confident I’ll ignore it. (I think she means too cocky!)

I welcome smiles from anyone and take no offense! I don't think anything of it.

If anyone smiles at me it makes me feel HAPPY. What a great feeling, I smile at strange people all the time and they always smile back, I hope it makes them feel GOOD. Have a HAPPY day life is too short for grumpy.

If it is a nice smile, it is appealing, no matter what the man looks like, if it is a creepy smile? Not so much.

I smile back if he is just a normal guy, but if he is cute and good looking I smile back and maybe say hi.

It's a nice gesture overall because most people tend to ignore each other. It would be nice if more people took the time to acknowledge each other while in the presence or even in passing. A nice smile from someone can really pick up your day when you are having a bad one. When a guy smiles at me it makes me feel good. Unless he looks perverted, then I am worried.

Generally I think, geez some people still are nice in this world and smile back. If it is a creepy guy or creepy smile, then I still smile back, but not so enthusiastically.

When a man smiles at me it makes me feel good because it makes me feel special.

To be honest, it boosts my self-esteem and feel flattered, but I often cant smile back because there are perverts out there.

Cant say never mind if youre attracted to them or not. It all depends on that. If hes cute or even if there is just a certain something about him, I like it. But if hes a creepy looking guy of course I don't appreciate it as much or may even be unnerved by it.

Everyone has a unique smile and you have to figure out which one gets the most responses. If you are not getting good responses, it might mean one of two things. Either your smile does not look inviting, or you look too creepy or maybe even like a pervert. More times than not, your best smile will be the one that you do instinctively. If you are trying to create a smile, it will most likely look non-genuine. Try not to try too hard and just give a welcome smile. To avoid looking like a creep, try staying within your own age range! :)

By: William Edwards - Tips on dating, flirting and what women really want. is a site for men to help address what women want, approaching women, and having ultimate confidence with women.

First Date Gift Ideas: What Should I Bring Her?

Many guys have the erroneous belief that they need to bring a gift for a woman on the first date. In fact I often receive emails asking about different first date gift ideas a guy should offer a woman.

To be honest, I always cringe when I receive a question like this. What I picture is a guy decked out in a fancy new clothes excitedly waiting to give his date a bouquet of roses. What the guy never expected is how getting a gift on the first date is the last thing she wants you do.

So the answer to the "perfect first date idea" question is this: On your initial date, do NOT get her a gift. In fact, I think giving a woman on your initial date is one of the worst mistakes you could make. Let me tell you why…

Men and women have completely different viewpoints about the first date. Most men get really excited about this date and worry about making a great first impression. They already have feelings for this woman and hope it'll go well. So the logical thought is to get a gift in the hopes of improving their chances for success.

Now let's take a look at how women view the first date. First off, most women are excited about this date, because there is a chance that they might be meeting an interesting guy.

Notice the key word here- MIGHT. A woman will go on a first date to find out if there is a connection to this guy. But she has't made a decision about him. What she's looking for is some sort of chemistry.

So instead of automatically liking this guy, a woman will typically look for a spark of attraction to her date. What's funny is this is not a logical emotion. Instead it's an emotional response or "attraction" to the right guy.

What does this have to do with bringing a gift on the first date?

Well it's simple. When you're on the first date, the LAST thing you want to do is to bring her an expensive gift. When you do this, you're basically showing that you already have feelings for her and desperately want her to like you.

If you bring a present on the date, you're complicating things. Before a woman has decided if she's interested in you, you're bombarding her with gifts and expressing your feelings. The end result is you'll make her feel uncomfortable because she doesn't know how she feels about you.

Instead of getting her a gift, look at the date the same way she does. Use this time to qualify HER. Find out if she's worth dating. Even if she's a good looking girl, you should work hard to find out if there is an emotional connection.

Just remember that dating comes down developing mutual attraction between you and a woman. If you concentrate on building attraction and chemistry instead of trying to impress her, you'll dramatically increase your chances of having a great first date.

By: Chick Magnet 101
Scott Patterson can help YOU meet, attract and seduce ANY woman! In his free resource, Attraction Mastery, Scott provides over 50 TIPS you can use to get instant results with girls. To claim your free copy of this incredible resource, visit his site right now:

10 Top Relationship Tips

What's the key to a successful relationship? Some might think that's the million dollar question. Sometimes it's just the simple things, that we easily forget or think are unimportant that hold the key to a healthy and happy relationship. Read through the helpful tips below on how to make your relationship go the distance.

1. Without quality time together, your relationship will not survive. Aim to devote at least half an hour a night, and at least one day a month when the two of you spend time exclusively together.

2. You both want to feel secure within the relationship. A good relationship is built on compromise and a lot of give and take from both of you.

3. Often those little things that first attracted you to your partner can turn into nasty annoying habits. Learn to love your partner warts and all. Don't try to change them into something they're not, after all you fell in love with them just the way they were.

4. Money is one of the top conflicts between most couples. For the relationship to work, you need to address your finances and maybe even work out a budget.

5. Learn to argue well. Never say something to your partner that you wouldn't want to hear said back. Just remember, the one good thing they say about arguing, is the making up afterwards.

6. Communication is vital to all healthy relationships. Listen to your partner and avoid blame and judgement. Don't let your emotions dictate your behaviour. Remember just talking things over can help you to both have a deeper understanding of each other.

7. Sort out your sex life, it may start to go downhill over the years, don't just accept it. As soon as you notice it, address it with your partner and work out why, and what to do to bring back the passion. Maybe one of your prefers more sex than the other. Why not experiment with new ideas in the bedroom. Role play, dressing up, or maybe take your sex life out of the bedroom and try new places. The introduction of marital aids into the relationship can also help to spice things up. Whatever you decide, remember communication is vital. sex toys

8. Try to keep your dependence and independence in balance. Tell your partner how much you need them, but don't get to dependent on them and cling to them all the time, as that can make your partner feel trapped. On the flip side of this, don't allow your partner to think you don't need them, by going or doing things without them. Try to keep a happy and healthy balance between the two.

9. Learn to forgive. If you know you will never forgive your partner over something important, and feel the trust can never be regained then give yourself, and him a break and start again, with someone new.

10. Don't ever think that going to counselling is a sign of a failed relationship. It can turn a bad relationship around and can also turn an average relationship into an excellent one. More and more people are turning to counselling today than ever, it shows you are both prepared to try and make things better, which can't be a bad thing at all.

The fact remains, that whether you're dating or married, relationships are hard. It takes 100% commitment from both of you. However, healthy and long-lasting relationships are achievable and many couples have proven just that. Not everything is always going to be perfect but if you both choose to make it work then it can. And remember it's the little things that you sometimes do that can go a long way to making your relationship work.

About the Author
Chris Simms is a well known psychiatrist. His main areas of interest are relationships, social matters, relate and human psychology.

Dating Your Spouse: Inexpensive Creative Dates for Your Spouse

Married couples after years of being together tend to ignore the relationship and begin to treat the relationship as just a routine. The relationship becomes decayed, dull and lifeless. They seem to forget that they still need romance and add spice to their relationship to strengthen their relationship as years go by. Dating your spouse should not be a forgotten event in your relationship. Creative dating is one way to bond with each other.

Dating your spouse needs creative thinking. Of course as a couple you have to consider your budget especially if you have kids to support but it doesn't mean you cannot have decent dates together. There are inexpensive dates that you two can enjoy. What is important is that you find something that you can do together and enjoy at the same time. Here are some inexpensive dates you can do with your spouse:

Enjoy the beauty of nature. Enjoying the nature is a gift that the two of you can enjoy. Dating your spouse to walk along the beach, visit a bird park and feed the birds while talking and remembering the things you both enjoy is fun. It is nice to enjoy the beauty of nature and take a day off from house hold chores once in while and enjoy each other's company.

Free Treats. Check your local newspaper for free or discounted concerts. If you both love to listen to good music, dating your spouse to watch a free concert is a nice way to spend time together for free and have fun at the same time.

Physical activities. If you are both athletic and you both need some exercise activities, it is nice to do it together once in a while. Although men love to do it with other men, there is nothing wrong dating your spouse to play tennis, exercise, jog or walk around the block together once in a while. This is not only good for your health but it will strengthen your relationship.

Discovering and learning new things. It is nice to learn new skills and new things with your spouse. This will create new memories with your spouse. For instance, you can both learn to cook a new menu, learn magic tricks together, prune bonsai etc. You can even look for free trainings or classes on things or hobbies that you both enjoy. Doing new things together is fun and an exciting way in dating your spouse.

Visit museums. If you both love to spend some quiet time together, visit a museum in your area. Dating your spouse to visit museums is affordable and you both can spend quality time together. Museums do offer treats and free entrance too.

There are countless inexpensive creative ideas in dating your spouse. You need to give time to bond with your spouse to preserve and nourish your relationship for a lasting marriage.

If you think dating your spouse have to cost an arm and a leg then you obviously haven't been on any of these creative and fun dates. Check out 300 Creative Dates by Michael Webb. Your relationship will never be the same. Visit 300 Creative Dates

To learn about lovemaking tips visit 500 Lovemaking Tips and Secrets

To know more about love, dating and relationships visit All About Relationships

About the Author
Gerry Restrivera writes informative articles on various subjects including Dating Your Spouse: Inexpensive Creative Dates for Your Spouse. You are allowed to publish this article in its entirety provided that author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and included with every reproduction.

Confidence Building For The Dating Man

Confidence is one of the most important things in a relationship. If you ask people what the most important thing is they will generally answer either looks, personality or trustworthiness. But, what fuels all of those great qualities? It is the persons ability to present themselves and have the guts to tell the truth!

Seriously, confidence is a major contender in any relationship and if you don't have much, here is how to change that.

Dating Tips For Men - Confidence From Strengths

This may sound like a no-brainer and it kind of is, but many people do not realize how important uncovering their strengths truly is. Everyone has positive qualities, but they rarely point them out. Instead, they are too busy with their flaws or other negative qualities. If all you do is box yourself in the head because your weight, ears, hair, shyness or whatever it is, eventually you will have a head that is caved in. No joke, just like if someone else constantly bashed your self esteem, you can do the same thing to yourself. It takes longer when you are the one that downs yourself, but the outcome is the same.

To rectify this situation take a self inventory and look for good things. Are you abnormally strong, attractive, great personality, a helper, but no matter what it is find it. Make a list if you have to, because you need to be able to readily identify these positive strengths that you have. When you are on a date with a woman or approaching her to ask for a date, you need to be able to capitalize on your strengths. You are at some level trying to sell yourself to someone else, so speak positively!

Dating Tips For Men - Grooming yourself to love

How you present yourself will tell a woman a great deal about who you are and what you think of yourself. You already know that cleanliness is a must at any level, but dressing nice, a clean shaven face and smelling good are also "musts". Take a long look in the mirror to determine if you are presenting yourself or selling yourself positively. If not, you need to find a way to change it and quick! Go to the salon, shopping or whatever you need to do to change the problem and present yourself in a positive light.

Women do not like a man that is not groomed well. They have a reputation to keep and they do not want their friends talking about how sloppy their new boyfriend is. There is also another good reason to maintain your manner of hygiene, dress and looks. Men that present themselves well and are dressed nice feel better about themselves. They hold themselves better, are more confident and are able to swoon a woman more easily.

Dating tips for men - Conversation starters

If you are shy it can be difficult to find the right words to start a conversation with that good-looking woman. Don't worry though, many men (even the confident ones) have trouble with the right words to start the conversation with a beautiful woman.

There are a few tips and tricks that work even if you are shy or just simply do not know what to say.

First, you need to scan the situation and environment around the both of you. Is it conducive to communication. What this means is can you hear, or is it so loud that you would have to scream at her?

This can really make it difficult regardless of how great your conversation starter is. In addition, the environment can lend itself to great conversation. If you are watching a play, at intermission, you could start a conversation about the leading actor/actress. If you are at a football game, you could say something about the team, a particular player or play that took place in the game. Here are some other great conversation starters:

1. Weather - the weather is always a great conversation starter

2. Sports results - where appropriate, how good the team is doing, new players...

3. Work related issues - new supervisors, rules...

4. City government - recent changes, new ordinances, raising water rates...

5. Reality television shows - outcomes, new stars, and new shows...

Confidence really does need to be something that you work on. You wont just wake up one morning and find you are supremely confident. Don't worry too much if you get rejected every now and again as it may not be your fault and may just be to do with the other person's situation or mindset at that particular time. It's very important that you brush yourself off, think about what you could have done differently and then try again and before you know it approaching someone of the opposite sex will become second nature.

About the Author
Lee Blackspur is the owner of which provides online and offline dating tips, advice and articles for men, women and teens of all ages and experience.

Dating For Seniors: Senior Singles Finding Love Online

For the senior single, negotiating through the minefields of the dating scene can be scary. This need not be, as dating for seniors can be as much fun as any other age group. Plus mature dating brings forth a richness borne of maturity that's largely lacking in the younger generation.

One big challenge faced by the older single is that of lack of avenues geared towards dating for seniors. Night clubs and singles bars are particularly designed with this age-group in mind.

Actually, lack of places to meet other seniors may not be problem. There are plenty of places for this. The problem is getting to meet compatible senior singles who are actively looking for a date.

The internet offers perhaps the best chance for the senior single to meet like-minded mature singles for the purpose of dating. There are services that are dedicated to dating for seniors, where younger people are not allowed. Depending on the service, you must be at least 40 or 50 years old to join. These services are very active and vibrant.

Providing a place for seniors to gather and communicate, they offer superb matching services and a dozen ways to connect. Group or individual chat forums, email relay and other now-standard tools make safe, anonymous communication easy. Until the point you choose not to have it remain anonymous!

The number of people who might be referred to as, "mature", "prime", "middle aged", "third agers", or senior citizens and who are dating online is booming. Career demands, early retirement, rising divorce rates, and longer life expectancy mean that more people than ever before are single in their later years.

This has created a growing pool of older singles on online: you can be a total beginner to online dating and go from no date to lots of dates in a very short time.

And, online dating is cheaper and brings quicker results than traditional ways of meeting people.

However there are pitfalls to look out for. Safety is on top of concerns for senior singles dating online. Scam artists, both foreign and domestic, have been known to prey on this age-group. The presumption, right or wrong, is that this age-group is desperate and vulnerable. Don't lose your heart as well as your money.

One way of protecting yourself from being scammed is by signing up with a reputable senior singles dating service.

You also need to be careful how you interact with others online. Avoid revealing personal information such as your real name, work place or home address until you're pretty sure that your date is for real. Even then take it slow - don't tell too much too soon.

By: David Kamau

Compare and choose the right senior dating service for you. David Kamau is an online dating enthusiast and writes articles as well as dating service reviews

Romantic Ideas For Men: Sweep Her Off Her Feet

Are you a man with a special someone in your life? Would you like to show her your romantic side, but aren't sure how? There is a stereotype that men are not capable of being romantic, but the premise of this article is to show that this stereotype is just that: a stereotype. On the contrary, men are certainly capable of being romantic. All they need is help with how to be romantic, such as articles providing romantic ideas for men.

At the beginning one very important point must be made. Giving romantic ideas for men is not the same thing as telling a man how to be a better lover or how to be better in bed. Romance is not the same as having sex. Having sex can also be romantic but trying to help men to think of romance in a wider area is the point when it comes to making the wife or girlfriend happy.

Generally, men are quite bad at expressing themselves in a romantic manner and do not know how to start going about it. Why not ask the the girlfriend or wife ? A simple query put to them can elicit a number of responses. It will also give the ladies a feeling of pleasure on being asked such a question by their better halves.

However, you may have a girlfriend or wife who hasn't given this topic much thought and her response to your question might be, "I don't know." That's okay! This can be an opportunity to engage her in an interesting conversation. Ask her to brainstorm along with you some romantic ideas for men, or romantic ideas for boyfriend if you would like to get more specific.

On the other hand, you may want to refrain from having such a conversation because you would like to surprise her with a romantic gesture. If you are planning to do this, congratulations! You are being romantic already. Planning a sweet surprise in itself is a display of romance.

There are quite a few traditional ways of being romantic, such as buying flowers, chocolates, perfume or a special card. You could also take your girlfriend or wife out to dinner at a classy restaurant, or even better, demonstrate your skills in the kitchen and make her dinner.

You can't cook? You are on a budget, you say? Don't fret. Romance isn't about possessing a special skill or spending a lot of money. It is about letting your special someone know you are thinking of her and care about her and her well being. Being romantic on a budget can simply be writing her love notes or running errands for her when she is busy.

So you see, romantic ideas for men are not very complicated. Surprised? Don't be. At its essence, romance is about kindness and consideration, namely putting your feelings of love and care into action. When put this way, romance is not out of men's reach at all!

About the Author
Men are capable of being romantic. However they require help with how to be romantic with articles such as romantic ideas for men. Romance is not sex although sex can be romantic but to make wife/girlfriend happy romance has to be looked at wider area.

The Online Dating Roller coaster

According to recent surveys, over 40 million singles are currently using online dating sites and services all over the world. In Australia alone, there are more than 2 million people who have used or are using the Internet to actively seek relationships or to meet potential partners, out of which almost 50 percent have never been married before.

Yes, Internet dating has revolutionized the whole dating concept and it has now become a perfect example of technological evolution.

From the teens to the octogenarians, the Internet is available for all and sundry. It's been more than ten years since the Internet became a dating hub, and a new study has shown that those people who have looked for love online have a lot more faith in the cyber world than those people who haven't done this kind of thing. Almost 80 percent of the Australians who have tried out online dating say that it is a good way to meet new people.

Yes, Internet dating has now become a huge business that has somehow ushered in a whole new generation of dating that has its own special set of rules. Most people who try out online dating initially end up with their fingers burnt and their hair singed. Yes, Internet dating is not as easy as it looks. First, you need to know how to go about doing it in order to get the best results. However, most people in Australia don't like taking chances when it comes to finding their life partners. From online personals to dating for singles to even dating people from specific areas, the Internet will provide you with a wide range of options and sources to meet other prospective dates.

With online dating, love and romance are all now just a click away! Besides, there are plenty of reasons why online dating is way better than dating in real life. Firstly, with online dating you always get to know the person well in advance before you actually decide to meet him or her. Secondly, you can chat up the person of your choice right from the comfort of your own home, giving you all the privacy that you need. And lastly, online dating is way cheaper than the real thing! No more spending on dinners and movie tickets just to realize that the person is not meant for you. All this can be done once you really get to know the person.

From Dating Australia to Online Dating Australia, there are thousands and thousands of online dating services and agencies that cater to every Australians 'dating needs'. The best part about the Internet is that it is accessible to everyone. However, this quality also has a tendency of attracting all kinds of people to it, including the weirdo's and perverts. So, if you stick to mingling with people who are classy and more your type, then your online dating experience is sure to be a wonderful one.

Yes, online dating is increasing in popularity as an increasing number of Aussie singles are struggling to come across compatible partners in their daily lives. So, millions and millions of eligible singles have joined the roller coaster ride of online dating and the success stories are mounting every day. Online dating is by and large one of the best ways for you to meet your perfect match.

About the Author
Jodie Brittain is known as the Queen of Australian Online Singles. She runs Slinky - the Australian Singles website for men and women looking for long term loving relationships. Drop by the site at and join for Free!

Flirting Etiquettes For Gentlemen

By and large, guys are pretty bad when it comes to flirting. It's time you learn a few of the basics, so that you can get an edge over the competition. These flirting tips will have you headed in the right direction in no time.

Physical & Verbal cues

1) Posture and Positioning
Your posture communicates everything. You need to arch your back and stick out your chest. Take up space. If you're talking to a girl, stand no more than two feet away. Don't necessarily encroach her space, but stand just a little closer than you might ordinarily.

Maintain an open body position at all times. Never cross your arms or put your hands in your pockets. If you want to test her to see if she's into you, step back a foot and see if she follows. If she does come closer, it's a good sign.

2) Eyes
The eyes can be your most effective tool for flirting. Use your eyes to give off powerful stares of desire. It's possible to make a girl's heart skip a beat by giving her a playful, lusty, or lingering stare. If you're walking by a girl you've got the hots for, give her a 2-3 second stare and then slowly glance away (slow is important). Smile just as you start to look away. She'll get the message.

3) Touch
It's OK to lightly touch her shoulder or arm when you're talking to her. But be careful. Guys have to walk a fine line when it comes to touch. Don't go overboard or you'll freak the girl out.

4) Be aggressive
Women love guys who aren't scared to go after what they want. When you show no fear in your pursuit, you come across looking like a confident man. Don't be scared to compliment a girl...tell her what you think. If she's looking extra nice, go ahead and tell her. Not only will it make her day...she'll immediately realize that you want her.

5) What you should say
To be completely honest, if you're sending out all the right body language, it doesn't matter what you say. Keep the conversation light, nothing serious or in-depth. Bear in mind, though, that it's always best to focus on charming her and being complimentary about her looks. You can also be flattering by telling her how well she did on an oral report or test, a good game, etc. You can even tease her playfully. Just be sure to send out all the other body signals while you're talking.

Mental cues

1) Exude confidence and self-assuredness
It's crucial that you present yourself as a person who feels in control of the situation and isn't nervous. Put on a show of confidence...girls love guys who are secure. Remember, a confident and secure person is a major turn on. This is why girls are always falling for cocky jerks. Exhibiting insecurity and fear is something you should avoid at all costs. This means no...stammering, fidgeting, wandering eyes (off into the distance), wavering voice, etc.

2) Radiate happiness, enthusiasm, & excitement
You've got to be full of energy and in a positive mind frame to be an effective flirt. If you're kicking out good vibes, your target will pick up on it and rise to your level.

By: James_j
article Source: For more information on Flirting Techniques check out

4 Lessons On The Rules Of Attraction For Single Men

Learn how to attract members of the opposite sex
Women know within a few minutes of interacting with you whether or not you're a sexually confident man. It's all about your voice tone and body language. If you're not sure whether you project this “sexy beast” persona, chances are you don't. So what's a guy to do?
These four basis skills will instantly make you irresistible:

Lesson One:
Learn how to hold eye contact for longer than she does. Don't gawk, cold stare, or use daring eye glances. Just gently hold her gaze until she looks away. Avoiding eye contact reeks of emotional insecurity. The most effective flirting tool you have are your eyes. If you catch the eye of someone attractive and they look back, don't become self-conscious and turn away.

Women like men who are not afraid and know what they want. Do the glance—linger—look away—then reconnect routine. After a few times, she'll know you are interested and will hopefully return the eye contact. When you do catch her eye on the reconnect, stay there until she looks away. Hold her gaze (without giving her an America's Most Wanted stare). Hold her gaze long enough to say, “I see you and I like you.” Then throw her a confident smile.

Lesson Two:
Women look first at your attire and second at how you hold yourself. Keep your body posture in a stance that says, “I'm the dominant male and I own this place.” Suck in your stomach, hold your head up, chest out, shoulders back….and generally hold yourself like you're the most powerful person you've ever known. It may seem a little awkward at first, but it'll work.

Carry yourself like a manly man and women will have a positive subconscious, and then conscious, reaction to you. A woman will see your confidence as you walk across a room when you walk strong and proud of who you are. She will be drawn to your confidence.

Lesson Three:
Slow down. Confident people are not in a hurry. Fidgeting or nervous behavior shows insecurity and self-consciousness. Use slow, calculated gestures and movements. Walk slowly and with purpose, turn your head slowly, gesture slowly, even blink slowly. Emulate John Wayne or James Bond.

This transmits a feeling of “I'm comfortable in my own skin,” and makes a huge impact on women. Don't overdo it and become the slowmo guy, but always project an attitude that you know what you are doing and where you are going. The next time you are out and see an attractive women you are interested in and what to go up and talk to. Try this trick. Instead of thinking what will they think of me? turn it around to will I like them? Changing your thinking will adjust your body language and your conversation from timid to friendly and self-assured.

Lesson Four:
Lower your voice. A wobbly or high-pitched voice is a big turn-off for women since it relays low self-esteem. Moderately deep conveys confidence. Learn how to speak from the chest and stomach and not from the throat. Speak slower, articulate your words, pause more…it creates anticipation, which is sexy. If you talk too fast and too much when you get nervous, take a deep breath, let it out slowly, and relax. Stand up and hum a little before you leave a voicemail message—it will lower your pitch.

By: Alana Beyer
For more information about It's Just Lunch or to purchase the It's Just Lunch Guide to Dating in Sacremento.

Mature Fun from Adult Dating Services

Modern technology gave new dimension to the ever elusive adult dating scene. Now, adult dating services abound for those who dislike the nitty-gritty and dating "procedures and stages." These dating services also make less confident people more assertive through the initial "faceless" communication.

They offer fun activities for those looking for friends, activity partners, and lovers.

Here are a few of the best sites in the field of adult dating.

American Singles

It claims to jumpstarting one's love life. It is one of those adult dating services that allow the posting of a profile and uploading a picture. Matchmaking is made through setting up its members with those who match their profiles.


It is another adult dating service that caters to those who are searching for friends and life partners. It takes pride on its innovative profile matching system. It boasts of its 29 key dimensions that predict in-depth compatibility and more successful relationships.

It is also an adult dating service that claims its being one of the world's leading online dating sites. It is for those who live in UK and USA. It is also a free adult dating service. Its features include dating profiles with picture galleries, video dating profiles, an online dating chat program, friends list, adult dating ratings, e-mail alerts, etc.


It is an adult dating service that uses personality and IQ tests to facilitate the matchmaking process. Members of Tickle are often with college education, professional and those that reside in large cities.

Are you ready for adult fun or simply looking for less teeny-bopper kind of dating style? Then, choose from the wide array of adult dating services.

Who knows. . .one could even deliver your Mr. and Ms. Right to your door step.

About The Author:

Lawrence Andrews is an ePublisher, software developer, consultant, and author of numerous books. Visit his Private Label Content and Software site at for more information about Dating Do's and Dont's.

You may use this article freely on your website as long as this resource box is included, a link point back to my site, and this article remains unchanged! Copyright 2005 Lawrence Andrews

Article Source:

Free Dating Sites

A lot of people like you are interested in the newest online community on the Internet, but the only thing holding them back is that they do not know what online dating site to go to.

Do you know which online site offers dating services? Probably. But do you know that there are also sites that offer free dating services? Yes, there are free dating sites that you can go to that will provide you many of the same services that you can get from paid dating sites.

Free dating sites are great for beginners of the online dating game. It is also recommended for those who are cautious and don’t really want to dive into something they are unfamiliar with. Free dating sites often also offer paid dating services for those who want to upgrade to a better dating service.

Free dating sites are all over the Internet. To find them you only have to do a simple word search. Once you find the site, you can immediately sign up with only your email as a minimum requirement. Free dating sites also offer free profile hosting to their members, and you can start building your profile immediately after signing up.

Free dating sites are great venues for meeting new people. But you also must be aware that free dating sites gives you limited services, unlike the ones that are given to you when you subscribe to the paid dating service. So, look around first before you sign up, get the best free dating site you can find before getting a membership. Once you get the hang of online dating or when you start to think that free dating sites are giving you limited options, then maybe you can eventually graduate to joining a paid dating site where you are bound to meet more people.

Free Dating provides detailed information on Free Dating, Free Online Dating, Free Dating Services, Free Dating Sites and more. Free Dating is affiliated with Internet Dating Online.

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How to Seduce Her and Get Her to Trust You - ONLINE!

Before you start looking for the woman that you want, make a clear idea of the type of woman you are after in your mind. Now you can set some specific details, which are more important for you, like: she has to be a good mother, a sexy blonde or a smart brunet, the housekeeper type of woman or a career woman... and don't forget the age and the relation type you're after.

This will allow you to choose the right online dating site for you ( is a new one and might work well for you). Then, you will have to make your profile as complete and realistic as you can. Take time to view some women profiles that contain the specific details you have fixed and pick one, maximum two of them. If you are interested in more than two women, never, but never talk online with more of them in the same time. Women can feel if you don't give them your complete attention.

Now cames the hard part, and the most important: the approach part: Don't forget! In online dating the most important thing is to GET HER TO TRUST YOU!If you selected a site that gives you the possibility to contact women by e-mail, your first e-mail is the most important. Introduce yourself and say something specific, that is special about HER (you should read her profile carefully for this). Tell her the location on the web where she can find your profile, and be direct and ask for an online talk (date) to get to know you each other better. Don't write a long email. If you have fixed an online date, do not be late! By doing this you will lose her from the very begining.

When you're approaching her online, after you break the ice with an open question, the very next thing you should say or do is to introduce yourself. Just use your first name then allow the woman you're talking to to offer you her name (if she is using a nickname in her profile). Pause for a moment. If she doesn't offer it, ask her what her name is. Then, and this is very important, use her name in the very next sentence you are writing to her. Using her name works like magic to make her more interested in you. Never talk about your ex in the first dates and don't forget the women don't want to be a shoulder for you to cry on. Be positive and enthusiastic. Make her laugh and feel good about spending time talking with you.

The next thing you want to say or do is compliment her. Call attention to some detail about her, and flatter her in a totally positive way. Be sure to avoid obvious compliments at all costs. Also, always find ways to agree with her. Never disagree with a woman when you first meet her. One exception, which works all the time is if she initiates a conversation about sex with you. One time when I was talking with a women online she started to tell me that she would like to see me only with a towell on me and I said to her that "Hey.. don't you think things are moving a little too fast in this relationship?" :). At the first time we date she confesed me that she only came to the date because I have impressed her with that line. Imagine that. :)Keep in mind that if a woman likes you or would like to know you better, she will give you free information to follow up on.

If she's not attracted to you, she won't give you much of anything and it will be very difficult to maintain a decent conversation with her.At first time, don't talk more then one hour or one hour and a half, then pretend that you have to go, but don't forget to tell her that you have a great time talking to her and never be shy about asking her for her phone number. Be direct. You can say something like, "I have to be going now. But I'd love to hear your voice, sometime. Can I call you?" Without the all important phone number, you will never get anywhere with a woman.Do not call her in the same day you have talk with her online, suspans can be healty sometimes. :)
Good luck, and be smart! She will be "on fire" just to get to know you better.

About the Author is the largest database of romanian women

A Guide To Speed Dating - What To Ask

Speed dating is a new way to meet potential mates and many people find themselves wondering what the appropriate questions to ask really are.

Most people want their questions answered, but don't want to seem rude or that they are prying into the person's personal life. That is where a guide to speed dating is extremely helpful.
There are many guides that detail what to wear, how to act, what to say and several other issues that are available online. This article will help you get started in the speed dating arena with great success. Here are some of the common questions that people want to know and excellent ways to ask them.

1. Now the question that is the most popular, but can seem the most superficial is the person's financial worth. If you ask them what they do for a living it appears that you're trying to find out exactly how much money is in their wallet. This is not something that you really want to take a chance in offending the individual with, but you want to know how successful this person really is.

A good way to find out what they do for a living is to start out talking about their hobbies, pasttimes and how much free time they have. When you ask questions like this most individuals will lead into either they don't have much free time because of work or something else that would bring up their career. Now you are completely justified in asking what they do for a living.

2. Another sticky question that most people want to know, without asking is whether or not the person has been married and has children. A good way to ask this question without a direct inquiry is too mention whether or not the person wants children in life. They will usually pick up the conversation and explain either they have been married before, have children or say whether or not they would want any children. This will answer your question without appearing to be nosy.

It is all about how to ask questions in a roundabout way without too much prying.
The question about children will also bring up any previous marriages and then you can take the conversation from there. If a marriage is not brought up you could always ask whether or not they want to be married sometime in the future.

3. A very important question that most people shy away from is beliefs or religion. If you are wanting to know the person's faith or beliefs, talk about your own. You do not have to delve deep into your beliefs or religion in order to find out the basics of this person's beliefs. In fact it is not recommended to dig into deep conversation or disclose a great deal of information during a speed dating setting.

Not that it is not correct or that you should not disclose your beliefs, but you simply do not have enough time when you are screening potential mates. Save a deeper conversation for later when you have more time and you know that this person may be someone that you would be spending more time with. What point is there getting too deep into a person's beliefs if you will never make contact with them again? Only hit the surface and remember that you are screening this person not finding out their entire life's history. That comes later.

4. Money. Everyone wants to know if someone is financially successful or not. A good career does not always mean that the person has money in the bank, good credit or the ability to live well. Nor does a blue collar career mean that a person does not live well, or have the ability to make a large purchase. Now you can't ask a person how much money they have in the bank, but you can word the conversation to get a good idea.

A good way to find out where this person lives or the neighborhood is to talk about a surrounding store, club, church or other public place around your house. When you talk about how close this place is to your house then you may ask do you know where it is, and then say a 'oh do you live around there as well?'. That will then lead on to things like the size of their house and whether it is in a good neighborhood or not.

Do you see how it works? It doesn't have to be direct questions, rather well worded ones.
The main thing to remember when speed dating is to go prepared so sit down before the event and plan the questions you are going to ask.

About the Author
Lee Blackspur is the owner of which provides online and offline dating tips, advice and articles for men, women and teens of all ages and experience.