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Approaching Women – Starts With A Smile :)

When approaching women, it all starts with eye contact and your smile. Women love to be smiled at and they often respond quite well to men who smile at them. Even if you are not their type, you can generate a good feeling in them by giving them a smile. You want your smile to look genuine and you want it to look unique. I asked women: How do you feel when men smile at you? Never mind if you are attracted to them or not, If a man you don't know smiles at you, how does it make you feel? Their responses were as follows:

I feel good, and I smile back too!

I just figure he is friendly.

Depends on the smile. If he smiles at my eyes then I am going to smile back, perhaps say "hi". But if he looks me up and down and looks too confident I’ll ignore it. (I think she means too cocky!)

I welcome smiles from anyone and take no offense! I don't think anything of it.

If anyone smiles at me it makes me feel HAPPY. What a great feeling, I smile at strange people all the time and they always smile back, I hope it makes them feel GOOD. Have a HAPPY day life is too short for grumpy.

If it is a nice smile, it is appealing, no matter what the man looks like, if it is a creepy smile? Not so much.

I smile back if he is just a normal guy, but if he is cute and good looking I smile back and maybe say hi.

It's a nice gesture overall because most people tend to ignore each other. It would be nice if more people took the time to acknowledge each other while in the presence or even in passing. A nice smile from someone can really pick up your day when you are having a bad one. When a guy smiles at me it makes me feel good. Unless he looks perverted, then I am worried.

Generally I think, geez some people still are nice in this world and smile back. If it is a creepy guy or creepy smile, then I still smile back, but not so enthusiastically.

When a man smiles at me it makes me feel good because it makes me feel special.

To be honest, it boosts my self-esteem and feel flattered, but I often cant smile back because there are perverts out there.

Cant say never mind if youre attracted to them or not. It all depends on that. If hes cute or even if there is just a certain something about him, I like it. But if hes a creepy looking guy of course I don't appreciate it as much or may even be unnerved by it.

Everyone has a unique smile and you have to figure out which one gets the most responses. If you are not getting good responses, it might mean one of two things. Either your smile does not look inviting, or you look too creepy or maybe even like a pervert. More times than not, your best smile will be the one that you do instinctively. If you are trying to create a smile, it will most likely look non-genuine. Try not to try too hard and just give a welcome smile. To avoid looking like a creep, try staying within your own age range! :)

By: William Edwards
www.thealphaguy.com - Tips on dating, flirting and what women really want. TheAlphaGuy.com is a site for men to help address what women want, approaching women, and having ultimate confidence with women.

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