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How to Overcome Fear of Rejection

The simple answer is, don’t worry about it. Another best way to overcome fear of rejection was to see that it wasn't going to actually happen.

Here are a few ideas for overcoming our own FEAR of rejection:

1. Watch and Learn.
Go out to a bar, and watch how other men approaching women and you will soon find out that most the time, even if the woman isn’t interested, nothing bad happens.

She usually just says, “I have a boy friend” or No, Thank you” or just walk away without saying anything at all.

But you will also notice that if guys who are approaching women by trying to grab a woman who's walking by, making a crude sexual comment, or just keeps talking when a woman isn't interested, that the woman's feelings might escalate and she'll respond negatively.

You can watch and learn what works and what doesn't right in front of your own eyes.

2. Start small.
If you have to, start by talking to women who are PAID to talk to you. For instances; go to a mall and walk into every store, and start conversations with salesgirls.

Practice making eye contact. Ask the salesgirls to smell you—oops sorry, I meant the new cologne, the one you sprayed on your wrist, or demand her opinion about the new shampoo you intend to buy and give you her opinion.

The more you do this, the more you'll get used to starting conversations with women you don't know, and having comfortable conversations.

3) By failing to plan, you are planning to fail
You really need to plan and figure out things you can do or words you should say to start a conversation with women. Once you get the idea, mentally rehearse it until you could do it in any situation. Then go out and practice it

If your partner is going away for few days, tell her that you are worried about her so you have organized a bodyguard to look after her. Then give her a small teddy bear
Quoted from 101 romantic idea by Michael Webb

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