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Every Day I love you, and How not to lose the charm of it

Do you the kind who says it everyday? Stop doing that right now. I don’t recommend it since those 3 words will eventually lose its power and you will fail to charm her anymore.

Once saying I love you becomes your habit, it will have no effect on her since she might think that you say it out of habit and you do not really mean it. Your genuine action will be questioned. To make it worse she will wonder if you still care about her or really ever LOVE her as you said it.

Therefore, if you are sincere and really mean the way you say it. Not tell her so often, but show it. Action speaks louder than words. It roars. To show your true feeling, you have to show it by action and make her feel she is special.

The key here is to make it a surprise and originally yours.

For instance, instead of saying I love you before you leave for your office; why don’t you wake earlier and make her a love shape scramble eggs with a cup of coffee for breakfast? Or give her a long squeezing hug and a quick naughty peck on her lips?

Make her feel everyday special.
Complement her on her cooking; tell her how amazing she is in her favorite gown and make any reasons and opportunities to launch a surprise love attacks without saying it.

Do I mean we don’t need to say I Love you to our sweet heart anymore? No. Don’t misunderstand me. My point here is not to overuse it. Express it with more creative ways to spice up our romance life otherwise our love life will eventually dry up by the same old routines day by day.

If you are dying to say it to your sweet heart why don’t you make a creative way to express your true color of your feeling? Remember sometimes, a simple action, will win her heart.

Here are few creative and romantic ideas from Oprah’s romance guru you may start experimenting right away. But remember; inject your personality in those ideas. Make it simply yours.

How to say I love you without saying it # Idea No. 1
Buy a stylish hand mirror and give it to your partner as gift. Include a card in the box saying:
“In this mirror you will see the image of the most beautiful woman in the world”.

How to say I love you without saying it # Idea No. 2
If your partner has to work late, take a lunch box and fill it with some of her favorite things such as chocolate, herbal tea, cookies, and a small teddy bear.
Next, get a piece of paper and write:

“Michelle’s Late Night Survival Pack”

Draw a big red cross below this and stick the paper to the top of the box. Tell your partner to open the box when things get really tough.

Do you like the idea?
Make sure you check Michael Webb’s e-book for more romantic idea to express your feeling to her.

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